What We Do
The FitzLane Project provides funding to underprivileged transgender, nonbinary and two-spirit youth (ages 13-24) across Florida in for LGBTQIA+ specialized therapeutic services at the mental health provider of their choice.
Therapeutic services are of paramount importance to the mental and physical well-being of many of the individuals that make up the LGBTQIA+ community. These services can potentially help individuals navigate the trying process of finding and accepting themselves, coming out to their families and society, and dealing with many of the unfortunate negative interactions that come from outdated social norms and prejudices. Of all members of the community, the youth are most at risk, and most vulnerable to the underlying struggles that plague the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole.
Due to the nature of therapeutic services overall and the specialized nature of these services as it relates to the LGBTQIA+ community, it is not always an affordable or reasonable option for these at risk youth. The FitzLane Project will address this issue by facilitating more access to these services through providing financial support for these individuals most at risk to receive these vital services through a network of certified therapist/mental health counselors who share our vision.

Throughout the LGBTQIA+ community, there are various organizations and private therapeutic services who offer discounted or free specialized therapeutic services to underprivileged youth. However, The FitzLane Project will provide the ability for affordable and accessible specialized therapeutic options for transgender youth, without limiting their choice in providers – something that is not readily available within our community.
“Anyone who dispassionately looks at effect sizes can now say that the therapeutic relationship is as powerful, if not more powerful, than the particular treatment method a therapist is using,” - Professor John C. Norcross, PhD, ABPP, chair of the APA task force
Those organizations who offer discounted specialized therapeutic services to underprivileged transgender youth have provided, and will continue to provide, a necessary and essential service. However, The FitzLane Project will merge the current gap by allowing transgender youth to have access to their choice of therapist, regardless of any organization or insurance affiliation. By allowing the individual access to a specific therapist who they can create a strong therapeutic relationship with, our goal is to increase their chances of success and mental well-being.
Our Mission
The FitzLane Project provides access to LGBTQIA+ specialized mental health services necessary to empower underprivileged transgender youth to embrace their authentic selves and have the tools needed to succeed in their everyday lives.